Hartford/Windsor Marriott Airport/Windsor, CT
This is an expanded version of a popular class that has been taught several times before--the miniaturist's workroom. It is a 1:144 scale roombox that is filled with the things that a miniaturist might need--power tools, hand-tools, paint, wood, rags, a clock--and of course several finished and in progress 1:1728 (or thereabouts) scale houses made both from wood and from cardstock. You will work with unusual materials, such as foamed PVC, as well as classic materials like styrene. You will learn different techniques for weathering and tips on assembly in 1:144. Your room box will include some tiny hard to find items, including a tiny workbench designed by the instructor and cast in resin. You have lots of options in how you put together your workroom!
The instructor does not plan to teach this class again -- so if you want one of these for your 1:12 scale roombox, this is the time!